Flutter Programming

Flutter is a opensource UI software development kit created by Google. It allows developers to build multi-platform apps for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Flutter uses the Dart programming language which was also developed by Google. Some key benefits of Flutter include fast development cycles, excellent documentation, customizable widgets, broad device support, and more. Flutter's hot reload feature boosts developer productivity by applying code changes instantly without restarting the app. Flutter is used by companies like Alibaba, eBay, and BMW to design intuitive native-quality interfaces. It has over 100,000 stars on GitHub and a thriving global developer community. Flutter simplifies cross-platform development and enables beautiful, natively compiled apps for iOS, Android, web, Windows, Mac, Linux, and Google.

Key Features
  • Cross-platform development - Flutter allows building iOS, Android, web and desktop apps from a single codebase. This saves significant time and resources.
  • Hot Reload - Flutter's hot reload feature boosts developer productivity by applying code changes instantly without restarting the app.
  • Expressive and flexible UI - Flutter's layered architecture and powerful widget set enable building adaptive and visually engaging UIs.
  • Native performance - Flutter compiles to native code for smooth 60fps animations and scrolling on both iOS and Android.
  • Open source - Flutter is free and open source with a supportive community of developers and contributors.
  • Accessible widgets - Flutter widgets include accessibility features and interfaces to empower developers to create accessible apps.
  • Rapid prototyping - With Flutter's rich widget library, building MVPs and prototypes can be done quickly.
  • Documented SDK - Flutter has excellent documentation with walkthroughs, tutorials and comprehensive API references.
  • Modular code - Flutter enforces a modular code structure for easier testing and collaboration at scale.
  • Customizable designs - Developers can easily customize designs for each platform from a shared codebase.

In summary, Flutter boosts developer productivity, allows building beautiful native UIs, and simplifies cross-platform development. Its hot reload, customizable widgets, and Dart language make Flutter a powerful SDK for mobile, web, and desktop apps.


Presentation Topic
Introduction to Flutter App Development
Introduction to Dart Programming
Introduction to Flutter Widgets
Introduction to Flutter Layouts
Introduction to Gestures
Introduction to Themes

Important Programs for Reference

Program to demonstrate the features of Dart language.
Designing the mobile app to implement different widgets.
Designing the mobile app to implement different Layouts.
Designing the mobile app to implement Gestures.
Designing the mobile app to implement the theming and styling.

Video Tutorial

Flutter SDK installation on Windows

Android Studio Installation on Windows

How to install Flutter and Dart plugin in Android Studio

Visual Studio Code Installation for Flutter App Development

Installing Flutter and Dart in Visual Studio Code

How to create and run first flutter application using Flutter Commands

How to build and run flutter app in Android Studio

Create and run flutter application using VS Code